Friday, May 13, 2016

Solitary Sandpiper

Photographed at York Downs, Storm Mgmt Pond
May 9, 2016

Fun Facts:
One of only two sandpipers who use tree nests of other species, instead of ground nesting.
Once the hatchlings dry after hatching they jump from the nest, sometimes 30 ft to the ground where parents are waiting to feed them 
Called ‘solitary’ sandpiper due to their solitary migration habit.  For this reason it is hard to determine approximate population.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Relocating Turtles and Frogs

Relocating snapping turtles and frogs from 5 West pond to various other ponds.

Painted turtle

A small snapping turtle

The small snapping turtle walking himself into his new pond

A large painted turtle

A large snapping turtle

Getting ready to release the large snapping turtle

Swimming out on his own

A bucket of frogs, some still have tails!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Wood Duck Family

This female wood duck has been seen several times in the past few weeks swimming with her 4 ducklings in 9 West pond.  

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring Crocus

Finally spring crocus' to enjoy! The very day they opened on April 11, they were attracting honey bees (as seen in this photo).